human resources


Employee turnover rates show signs of easing

But employers shouldn’t expect a return to easier days, warns researcher TDn2K.


Restaurant turnover rates on the rise, again

Employee turnover is up after teasing the industry with plateauing numbers this summer.

A bill expected to be signed into state law would provide small employers with a tax credit to eligible employees.

After the dismissal of a pregnant manager who was robbed at gunpoint flared on social media into an unflattering controversy for the chain, Cheryl Bachelder used the same medium in an attempt to right the alleged wrong.

Check out these teaching moments from operators’ worst managers.

Here’s how metrics are helping employees take hospitality to the next level.

The hike tentatively approved by the Bay Area city of Emeryville would set the highest wage rate in the nation.

Check out these recruiting strategies designed with millennials and Gen Zers in mind.

The answers might help operators catch staffers before they head out the door.

The National Labor Relations Board is recommending that business owners review their employee handbooks before it lands them in trouble.

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