
Denny's operator sued over discrimination

Plaintiffs have filed a $4 million suit against a Florida Denny's franchisee for allegedly refusing to serve a group of Arab-American customers.

Levy Restaurants sued over minimum wage at U.S. Cellular Field

A former employee is suing the company, which also operates Spiaggia and Wolfgang Puck Grand Cafe in Chicago, claiming it improperly counts a tip credit toward employee wages.

Sen. Mitch McConnell told franchisors gathered in Washington, D.C. to lobby against the NLRB’s controversial recent ruling that he supports a new proposal to rein in the agency and protect franchise-reliant industries.

Voters in nine counties and four cities approved nonbinding recommendations that the minimum hourly pay rate be raised, but the governor and Republican-controlled legislature have indicated that they’ll keep the wage at $7.25.

Restaurants of every size would be required to provide paid sick leave under a bill that's under consideration in the state legislature.

A measure already approved by one house of the state legislature would require restaurants to train servers on the fundamentals of protecting guests with food intolerances.

Ivar's is discontinuing tips at a full-service place and giving hourlies in its quick-service establishments a raise to $11 an hour.

The county is the latest jurisdiction to approve a per-ounce tax on soda distributors.

Frustration with the federal government bubbled over during a session of the Restaurant Leadership Conference, with attendees angrily complaining to the chairman of the National Restaurant Association about the political process and the group’s role in it.

Legislation creates new yet-to-be-determined zones for food trucks; originally it said the trucks would have to stay at least 300 feet from traditional restaurants.

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