
San Jose City Council backs Leno effort to raise state minimum wage

San Jose has become the first city to call for a statewide rise in the hourly pay floor. Municipalities want the state to do the heavy lifting, leaving them to seek smaller raises on a local basis.

Miss. restaurant industry takes a stand against anti-gay law

Establishments are mounting a campaign to protect their tourism business.

The National Restaurant Association is once again holding free one-on-one consultations during the NRA Show this month in Chicago.

We apologize in advance if this issue raises your dry-cleaning bill. The risk of spitting out coffee is definitely at Wet-Nap Four, and not because of surprises plumbed from the gee-wiz file.

Republicans might have triumphed in yesterday’s elections, but even solidly red states opted for wage hikes. Paid sick leave and legalization of marijuana also advanced.

A study released by the group shows more money going to taxes and tens of thousands of jobs being eliminated.

A first-of-its-kind legislative proposal would exempt the state sales taxes from swipe fees, easing the burden on restaurants and retailers.

Local operators who are part of a national chain will be treated as employers of at least 500 people, regardless of how its actual payroll.

The chain made an unprecedented deal to take a more hands-on approach to franchisees' labor issues.

Citing first amendment protection, a New Orleans judge recently threw out charges of defamation, libel, and unfair business practices leveled against novelist Anne (Interview With a Vampire) Rice last February by Al Copeland, former owner of Popeyes and Churchs.

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