
Midnight madness

Restaurants are offering late-night menus to please night owls who want exciting food and drink into the wee hours.

Emerging Cuisines: Peru

Peruvian cuisine may be a latecomer to America’s tables, but it’s gaining a foothold. “The healthy, fresh ingredients and unique flavor profiles are creating a surge of interest in Peruvian food and restaurants,” confirms Marcella Guzman, an instructor at the Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale.

(July 19, 2010)—Laurentino Cardenas leaned over the edge of his narrow boat, his hands clenched above the murky, green surface of the Gulf of Mexico's...

A roundup of mobile payments, restaurants running on iPhones and POS moving to tableside.

Mobile payments have been high on the list of "next big things" in technology for quite awhile, but it’s only recently the market has started to heat up. Mobile payments promise convenience and speed for consumers, while lowering costs and generating more customer data for businesses.

The restaurant industry’s shift to mobile technology was reflected on the show floor of this year’s NRA conference, with exhibitors showcasing the latest apps for everything from customer loyalty programs to systems for online ordering, labor scheduling, payments, and guest entertainment.

Here’s a look at how operators have revolutionized the way we order pizza over the years.

As a one-upmanship to the ordering capabilities Taco Bell and Chick-fil-A added to their mobile apps last quarter, Wendy’s is testing a beacon-based version of its app.

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