

Soup’s on

Gallons of excitement are simmering in the soup pot these days. Although a cup or bowl of soup has long been a standard menu starter, restaurants are now offering more inspired choices and many rotating selections

Seafood: how to buy now

Smart sourcing means staying on top of seafood trends, the market, supply chain safety and value-added products. Three industry experts share the latest.

CHICAGO (October 31, 2011 - PR Newswire)—It is rare for a 2.6 percent decrease in sales to be considered good news, but in the case of the recreation...

Two for one? Kids eat free? Everybody does that. When Guy Campbell set out to turn around anemic sales on Mondays, he wanted to do something different. He wanted to own Mondays.

Working at an upscale Boston restaurant, Paul Booras took a road trip with the chef when the first plump ones came off the vines.

New details of the retail giant’s restaurant threat was just one of the reasons why chiropractors were exchanging high-fives.

On March 26th of this year, Shoney's CEO Steve Lynn met with his shareholders in the fifth floor auditorium of the First American Center in Nashville.

The ubiquitous Zagat survey has just released its guide of leading national restaurants for 2005, along with the finding that the average cost of dinner out is climbing.

Most of the food items you receive from suppliers are packed and priced using wholesale bulk sizes—crates, cases, bags or cartons. However, in kitchen production, the quantity in the package may be used for several different menu items.

So, you figure that your beverage menu is plenty profitable. The bar is full of coworkers sipping after-work cocktails, folks in the dining room are ordering wine, and specialty coffee sales, well, they’re way up. Your beverage program’s doing just great, right?

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