
Should e-cigarettes be welcome in restaurants?

Given that people have such strong feelings about cigarettes, it’s somewhat surprising that restaurant operators are up in the air when it comes to electronic versions.

S.F. November ballot - soda tax, Muni, minimum wage, more

A review of initiatives on the November ballot also shows that proponents of a $15-an-hour wage have succeeded in putting the increase to a popular vote.

Baltimore city council members voted on Monday to kill a bill that would require the city’s restaurants to post grades based on health inspections. The councilmen who voted against the bill, along with local restaurant owners, were concerned that the bill’s passage would have spelled trouble for operators.

Facing a shallow labor pool and stepped-up enforcement by the Feds, the restaurant industry is putting pressure on lawmakers to ramp up immigration reform. And change may be closer than you think.

We apologize in advance if this issue raises your dry-cleaning bill. The risk of spitting out coffee is definitely at Wet-Nap Four, and not because of surprises plumbed from the gee-wiz file.

The federal judge hearing the FTC’s efforts to block the combination says his decision will ride on understanding distribution and determining what options would be left for foodservice operators if the deal proceeds.

Fast casual’s latest theft, quality really is king, servers learn to love tech, fuggedabout New York’s new political slap and a growth demon picks up the pace.

A key for many is lessening the number of employees who qualify as full-time. Approaches range from having franchisees share employees, to changing ownership structures so the companies are technically smaller.

The department said it'd like a collaborative deal signed last week with Sonic to be a model for restaurant franchisors.

The biggest danger of neck injuries this week came from surprising tech developments, but new service initiatives dropped some jaws, too.

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