

Growth trend: beards

How restaurants are addressing the growing beard trend.

Minnesota restaurants want break on tipped workers

Restaurateurs are pushing for an exemption to last year's minimum wage increase that would allow them to pay a lower base wage to tipped workers.

If colleagues attended the NRA Show and you didn’t, grant them some deep-thought time. They’re likely grappling with new necessities that mandate changes in their attitudes and ways of doing business. You may want to sit at their feet and get a download, Grasshopper.

Despite a renewed interested in smoking bans in several parts of the country, 16 states still allow smoking in bars and restaurants statewide. See which ones.

Spending your valuable time in the kitchen because you're always short one line cook? Frustrated that you spend more time interviewing and training employees than running your restaurant? Scratching your head because your servers keep leaving to work for the competition?

A N.C. barbecue joint with a no-guns policy was robbed at gunpoint, prompting concealed-carry proponents to spotlight the incident as validation that customers should be allowed to bear arms.

A measure already approved by one house of the state legislature would require restaurants to train servers on the fundamentals of protecting guests with food intolerances.

Lone Star Steakhouse & Saloon insiders have agreed to return $4.7 million to the company to settle a 2001 lawsuit filed by the California Public Employees Retirement System, a major shareholder.

The joint lawsuit calls the law “costly” and a “misguided measure” that will create a patchwork of GMO labeling policies across the country.

A study found that fewer than one in five patrons makes a decision based on calorie counts, and only 60 percent notice at all.

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