

Big restaurant moves of 2017

Operators took some high-stakes gambles this year.


High-tech Zume Pizza is ready for next growth phase

Fewer robots will be involved, and the tech is available to other concepts, as the cook-onboard delivery concept is shifting into expansion mode.

Hear that echo in the distance? They're coming. They're a stampede of new consumers, 75 million strong, and they're unlike any herd that's ever hit your...

10 hot new high-tech upgrades offer digital age style and function.

Yes, you have to spend it to make it. But why spend more money than you have to? The deals are out there, for everything from wine to cleaning services. You just have to know where to find them, or at least how to ask for them. We sent reporters out looking for all the best ways for restaurant operators to save money. They found some great tips, so take a look and save a few bucks.

Used to be that quesadillas, salsa and guacamole only showed up in Mexican and Latin-style restaurants.

The August 2009 NRA expectations Index reported that “45 percent of restaurant operators plan to make a capital expenditure for equipment, expansion or remodeling in the next six months.” Whether that prediction comes true remains to be seen. But this year’s crop of new products puts the emphasis on helping operators maximize every dollar.

Bottom line: Health insurance is confusing and ready to get even more so. Every restaurant has questions. Be ready to give answers with this tutorial from...

The Great Recession left clear winners and losers in the chain restaurant game. Fast-food places? Burger King wasn’t the only one that could wear a crown.

With today’s rising ingredient costs and tight margins, portion control is more essential than ever. That’s why scales are so important in both back- and front-of-house.

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