Independent Restaurants


Is open-book management right for your operation?

Here's why some restaurants are deploying the strategy as an antidote to today's challenging labor market.

So you want to open a restaurant ...

Opening your first restaurant is a daunting task and you’ll never be 100 percent ready. Advice Guy recommends three approaches to restaurant education prior to starting your concept.

Independent restaurants are known for their creativity and their ability to turn out signature menu items their customers crave and can’t find anywhere else.

Instead of following the lead, these trendsetting operations have changed the game with unique, new business plans. So they've become the ones to watch.

People in big cities have been all abuzz over the hidden cash craze sweeping social media, that all started when a mysterious person (@HiddenCash) began stashing money around San Francisco.

New food-cost threats, an example of how not to handle shareholder relations and Moe, Larry and Curly are handed spatulas.

G&A, or general and administrative expenses, vary by concept—and accountant. What is typically included in G&A? Should it be added to the P&L if expenses are covered in other categories? Advice Guy shows how to organize your P&L statement.

Despite rising rents and the announcements of some high-profile restaurant closures, the restaurant industry in New York City remains strong. That's especially true for independent restaurants, as our Top 100 Independents ranking illustrates. Indeed, 29 of the Top 100 restaurants are located in the Big Apple.

The guest list at the launch for Umami Burger’s Chicago unit had the typical folks: bigwigs, friends, the media. Also invited to sample the menu on the house: two uniformed police officers. Why? Brand advocacy. Local police are visible, influential community leaders, says Umami CEO Paul Clayton. Plus, it can’t hurt to have the law looking out for the place.

Editor Kelly Killian shares her predictions on what restaurateurs can expect from customers next year.

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