National Restaurant Association Show

Saturday, May 18, 2024

The National Restaurant Association Show offers attendees ideas and inspiration year-round. From menus to workforce to technology to operations. Restaurant Business will be covering the Show’s resources to bring you the latest updates, trends and insights. Stay connected here.

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Simpson: Economy is still top of mind for restaurants—and for Washington

Cicely Simpson offers her views on how tax reform and other legislative and regulatory issues have affected the restaurant industry.


Three tech trends spotted at the Show

Here’s a peek at three tech trends making waves.

The former diplomat and security adviser shared her concerns about the dangers posed by a changing international and social situation.

Much has been written about “meatless Mondays” and other efforts to encourage a plant-forward diet. But meatless and vegetarian meals have had a limited audience—until now.

Monday’s SuperSession at the National Restaurant Association Show aimed to help arm uncertain industry leaders with insights from a panel of experts discussing The Future of Restaurants.

Here are some takeaways gleaned from a behind-the-scenes dine-around in Chicago.

The Signature ’18 session at this year’s National Restaurant Association Show both offered encouragement and issued challenges to the industry leaders who were in attendance.

Look for FABI Awardees throughout the Show and at the Foodamental Studio (Booth #2389) on Monday starting at 10:00 a.m.

The extension of ServSafe will highlight best employment and workplace practices, starting with free webinars this summer.

Here’s what had attendees on the show floor buzzing—and lining up for more.

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