
How your restaurant sales and profits compare to competitors' and what you can do to improve financial performance


McDonald’s stock soars on better-than-expected sales

The company’s stock rose 5% Monday even though traffic fell in the first quarter.


Bacon and eggs

The highest-volume purchases for most sit-down breakfast programs are typically bacon and eggs. Industry pros help you make smarter buys.

Flavored syrups play a major role in the beverage service of many operations, showing up in cocktails, smoothies and espresso-style drinks.

George Washington's 200-year-old distillery at Mt. Vernon is once again in action. Micro-distillers are firing up their stills to hand-craft boutique spirits.

Like other aspects of the industry, the smoothie segment has been impacted by the economy.

“We looked at three elements: the carrier, the protein and the flavor enhancers,” Scott explains.

You know the signs. Customers don’t even look at the drinks menu anymore. Trendwise, your signature cocktail is so last year. Beverage sales in general are on the decline. It’s time to do something to get guests ordering those high-margin drinks again. Here are the first steps:

It’s psychology so well established that we all understand it: We want what we can’t have, be it a luxury yacht, Michael Jordan-like skills or a sugary treat.

Is finding just the right spot in just the right neighborhood still the prime factor in opening a restaurant?

Halfway through 2015, prognosticators already are predicting what the industry can expect next year. Here are five trends that Technomic highlighted during its recent event in Chicago.

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