
January 2012 Idea Index

Great ideas we've seen from the restaurant industry.

The week in ideas, August 19, 2013

This week: restaurant critics without expense accounts, getting rid of tips and getting better service, Hooters comes out as feminist and dressing up the dress jacket.

The Treasury delivered rules telling employers how they will need to track and report health care information to the IRS under the Affordable Care Act.

The announcement of college opportunities for employees quickly turned controversial when news reports revealed that Starbucks may not actually pay for baristas’ classes at ASU. Here’s how Starbucks is positioning the new program, straight from its website.

The measure from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Labor Committee Chairman Lamar Alexander aims to “restore balance and bipartisanship,” McConnell says.

Big names in the restaurant business are exploring new avenues for growth. Here's the updated road map.

The U.S. Department of Labor said it will not press in court for doubling the compensation threshold that determines which restaurant managers and assistant managers qualify for overtime pay.

Even the great Carnac couldn't have foreseen the role marijuana is about to play in restaurant sales, and that's just one of the who'd-have-believed-it developments.

Check out how operators get teams to buy into fresh roles.

There never seems to be enough time in the day. The dynamics of foodservice are accelerating. It's impossible to keep up with all the changes in the competition, training methods, technology, inventory, pricing, and customer needs...

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