
Gifts to make next year merrier for restaurateurs

The industry could use some cheer this holiday season. So let me climb aboard santa's lap and reel off what should be in your bag this year for restaurants.

Obamacare: Be afraid. Be very afraid.

If you weren’t scared of Obamacare before going into an NRA session on healthcare reform, you were terrified when you left.

The plan would gradually raise the city’s minimum wage over the next four years until it’s the highest in the nation in 2018.

After helping to push through the state’s minimum wage increase earlier this year, the Minnesota AFL-CIO says it is taking up the issue of paid sick leave.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio on Tuesday pushed the state Legislature to approve an increase in the state minimum wage “whenever it first can be done,” a request that comes as labor advocates and some elected officials encourage Gov. Andrew Cuomo to call a special legislative session before the year’s end.

The NLRB alerted McDonald’s today that franchisors and franchisees are “joint employers,” both accountable if employees take legal action.

A game-changing decision is just one of the challenges poking at the franchisee-franchisor relationship.

Legislation introduced this week would outlaw discrimination on the basis of citizenship, immigration status or language—not in employment but in customer service.

The nation’s first requirement that chain restaurants flag high-sodium menu choices with a warning icon has withstood a legal challenge from the NRA.

Help for meeting restaurants’ next major obligation under Obamacare was provided this week by the U.S. Department of Labor in the form of templates for educating employees.

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