
Tacoma's paid sick leave proposal: Too sickly for some

A measure before the City Council would grant three paid sick days per year, a pared-down proposal lawmakers say was prompted by San Francisco’s experiences.

Bill asks Ore. to raise minimum wage to $15

Labor advocates are trying to woo support for bills before the legislature by arguing that a higher wage will reduce tax payers’ expenses.

Gov. Asa Hutchinson has said he’ll sign the measure if it’s voted out of the legislature. As with the new Indiana law, the bill would grant restaurants and other businesses the prerogative of refusing service to someone who clashed with their religious beliefs. Fear of discrimination against gays has already led to convention cancellations in the Hoosier State.

Crime doesn't pay, as some restaurateurs learned this week. But, sometimes, neither does doing what seems the right thing for your staff.

operators need to learn their obligations and options now to contend with one of the greatest challenges ever faced by the industry.

When it comes to fighting off patent trolls, restaurants have very few arrows in their quiver. And recent inaction in Congress means they have even less ammunition now.

But the preferred minimum would be $10 an hour, not the $15 being pushed by unions and labor groups.

Business groups are bracing for an onslaught of regulations, with the Obama administration bent on completing a host of the president’s unfinished policy goals and the midterm elections now in the rearview mirror.

The new rate will be adopted over a three-year process, after which the minimum hourly pay will be indexed to inflation.

The measure would protect restaurants and other businesses from parties who buy up patents expressly for the purpose of suing alleged violators of usage rights.

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