Consumer Trends

Consumer trends, insights and preferences

Consumer Trends

The supermarket threat

The new Whole Foods Market in Portland, Maine, is a 48,000-square-foot behemoth, just two blocks off the turnpike spur that connects Maine’s largest city with a string of affluent towns along the coast.

Consumer Trends

Payment preferences are evolving

Consumer payment preferences are changing with the times.

Side dishes are turning into a main focus for many operators. “They used to be one of those things you could ignore," said Kay Logsdon, editor-in-chief of The Food Channel. "They were just 'there.' But lately we've noticed that side dishes are a prominent part of the meal—to the point of overtaking the center-of-the-plate."

Despite the efforts of health authorities to moderate salt intake, the mention of salt on restaurant menus has increased 144 percent in the last five years, according to new research from Technomic.

Pressure to improve the healthfulness of kids meals and restaurant fare in general, along with the influence of the growing Asian, Hispanic, Boomer and Millennial population groups are among the factors that will shape the restaurant industry in 2012 and beyond, according to The NPD Group.

Bacon mania is about to reshape restaurants’ dessert and drink menus, but the dining world may yet be spared the likes of pork belly pie or bacon mojitos, suggests new research from Packaged Facts. The researcher attributes the bacon craze to consumers’ embrace of a “deep smoky flavor,” and predicts that’s the element likely to show up in treats and cocktails.

Snacking is good for you, according to the Chicago-based NPD Group. In its recent report titled “Snacking in America,” the market research company looked at Americans’ eating habits over a two-year period. The results suggest that the most health-conscious consumers snacked most often and chose from a wide variety of healthy snacks.

Cleanliness (96%), menu selection and variety (94%) and comfortable seating (91%) are the most important components of creating a visit-worthy atmosphere at a restaurant, according to a new report from Mintel.

Technomic rated chains' connection to consumers through a series of questions designed to gauge loyalty and perception of a brand.

It’s hard to win in business, especially in the restaurant business, without engaging Hispanic consumers, says Peter Filiaci, VP of strategy and insights/restaurants at Univision.

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