
Best practices for improving recruitment, retention and training


I’ve done everything I can think of to retain cooks. Why am I still having issues?

Advice Guy: Labor challenges in restaurants are not going away. It might be time to think about ways to streamline your operation with a smaller team.


These teens couldn't be more eager to work in restaurants

Reality Check: Indeed, they wouldn't mind owning one. They were already working hard toward that goal at the National ProStart Invitational competition.

The Senate committee he chairs will take up a bill next month to phase in the higher wage over five years. He did not mention what changes he might seek in the tip credit.

But the research was underwritten by the SEIU, which also backed the controversial Fast Act bill. Industry reps say the data has "zero credibility."

The pay floor for New York City, Long Island and Westchester County would rise next year to $16 on way to $17. Other parts of the state would have a mandated minimum of $16

The study undercuts assertions that Starbucks Workers United was a grassroots reaction of frustrated baristas.

A new survey shows 70% of local restaurants intend to use surcharges to counter the loss of the tip credit. About 150 places have already taken the plunge.

A bill passed this week allows 16 and 17-year-olds to serve alcohol and expands the hours permitted for 14 and 15-year-olds to six per school night.

Workers at the original unit in Vermont say they'll ask for an election to be scheduled.

Workers at a warehouse for the chain's direct-to-consumer business have joined the Ironworkers Union.

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