

Arch tip-credit foe Saru Jayaraman takes a drubbing in Congress

Government Watch: The president of One Fair Wage had her credibility and credentials questioned during testimony Wednesday—including by a server, someone who does the very sort of work she claims to speak for.


Kamala Harris promises to kill the tip credit

Working Lunch: The Democratic presidential candidate has made it the first promise in her five-point economic plan.

The wage-setting body for the state's fast-food industry spent most of its third business session listening to employer and labor representatives make the case for their agendas. Yet very little actually got done.

Any sold by Wisconsin-based Milo's Poultry Farms should be discarded because of possible salmonella contamination, the agency said. It reported Monday that 65 people have been sickened to date.

In a campaign speech Wednesday, the Democratic candidate promised to raise the tax credit for startups to $50,000, from the current $5,000. She also vowed to cut the red tape new ventures face.

Government Watch: The Department of Justice said Quality Poultry and Seafood pulled the con for 17 years.

The U.S. Court of Appeals overturned the Biden Administration’s “80/20” guidelines, calling them arbitrary, in a victory for restaurant operators.

Working Lunch: The political podcast featuring Align Public Strategies features Brennan Duckett, director of technology and innovation policy for the National Restaurant Association.

Investigators found two restaurants in the central area of the country that weren't following the rules, and vowed to continue hunting for instances of money being misdirected.

Reality Check: New employer rules invariably bring an avalanche of record-keeping obligations to a field that's no stranger to laying a paper trail.

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