

The FTC tells franchisors they can't charge franchisees undisclosed 'junk fees'

The agency also said that franchisors can’t take action against franchisees that take complaints about the business to the government.


Initiatives to kill the tip credit advance despite Ohio's 'goat rodeo of a campaign'

Government Watch: For restaurants, not all the election drama is centered on whether Biden stays in the race, and not all the mud is being slung by the presidential candidates.

A survey of nearly 4,000 tipped restaurant workers found 9 of 10 prefer the current setup to getting a higher wage.

Members of the Fast Food Council, the new body empowered to set pay, say the model may need considerable tweaking to realize its promise.

Legislation proposed to the City Council on Tuesday would require employers to provide additional training, more paid time off and advance shift scheduling.

The requirements include providing paid breaks every two hours when temperatures soar in indoor workplaces like kitchens, as well as providing cool-down areas, drinking water and establishment of a safety "buddy system."

Government Watch: The exemption for salaried workers is narrowed to employees earning less than $43,888 a year. Also, DOL pushes for a paid-leave model, and foie gras remains legal in NYC.

The state Senate passed a bill that exempts the industry from an anti-surcharge law that takes effect Monday. Gov. Newsom is expected to sign it.

Reality Check: What's the true effect of California's new fast-food wage? Depends on whose numbers you believe.

Government Watch: The National Restaurant Association is setting up a network that turns rank-and-file operators into "super-advocates" for the business. Also: Face mask mandates could make a comeback, but in a different way.

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