
Bird Flu Not Seen as Hazard to Human Health; Not until 'Species Jump' - Say Other Experts

NEW YORK - While the National Chicken Council says the recent outbreaks of avian influenza or bird flu do not pose a hazard to the food supply and even the...

What I learned at Summer Brand Camp

The annual—slightly off-kilter—gathering of marketing, human resources and operations leaders known as Summer Brand Camp just finished up in Dallas.

According to a Cornell Hotel & Restaurant Administration Quarterly study, every single day the average restaurateur has fifty-eight unscheduled, informal meetings. These are in addition to two or three daily formally scheduled meetings.

The best employers provide something far greater—benefits that matter to real people, a “no-place-like-home” culture and a road toward growth.

HOUSTON - Sysco Corp. here today reported the following executive promotions, effective Jan. 1, 2005: Kenneth F. Spitler was named executive vice president...

Phil Romano has a knack for creating restaurant concepts that set industry standards. His next venture: Sharing that knowledge with the next generation of restaurant entrepreneurs.

Currently Howell is director, price management, a position he has held since becoming associated with Sysco in October 2004.For the five years prior to...

The casual-dining giant’s new board has decided its interim chief was the right person to lead the company on a less-tentative basis.

Delivering the state of the industry address at the group's Fresh Summit here at the Georgia World Congress Center earlier this week, Silberman alluded to a...

The National Labor Relations Board is recommending that business owners review their employee handbooks before it lands them in trouble.

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