
Great expectations

I was browsing through the help wanted section of my local paper this morning.


Feeding Gen Z

Restaurants are creating new kids' menu ideas to win over today's young customers and their families.

As though the food business weren't hard enough, some restaurateurs are opting to be innkeepers, too.

Instead of stagnant pages, some restaurants are adopting a scrolling home page that hits the brand’s main talking points without forcing click-throughs.

According to a Cornell Hotel & Restaurant Administration Quarterly study, every single day the average restaurateur has fifty-eight unscheduled, informal meetings. These are in addition to two or three daily formally scheduled meetings.

Boloco’s Washington flop is attributed to three factors: low brand awareness, operational issues and competition.

Premium-laden kids' meals is a billion-dollar business. But what do the parents think?

Chiropractors should be exchanging high-fives after reaping a business windfall this week from head-snapping developments in the restaurant business. Here’s a review of the standout neck strainers.

Getting a bead on your customer base is no small task. Neighborhoods gentrify. Dining tastes evolve. Lifestyles can move the pendulum-like whims of diners from a hamburger and fries to a pineapple chicken pizza in a blurry moment. How's a restaurateur to cope?

A text from outside the R&D department was the seed for Taco Bell’s latest mashup—the Naked Chicken Chalupa.

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