
Kitchen calculations

Most of the food items you receive from suppliers are packed and priced using wholesale bulk sizes—crates, cases, bags or cartons. However, in kitchen production, the quantity in the package may be used for several different menu items.

20 beverage service tips

So, you figure that your beverage menu is plenty profitable. The bar is full of coworkers sipping after-work cocktails, folks in the dining room are ordering wine, and specialty coffee sales, well, they’re way up. Your beverage program’s doing just great, right?

Restaurants traditionally rely on chicken and turkey to be menu profit makers. Usually in good supply and always a good buy in relation to other proteins, operators often turn to poultry to keep costs in check when red meats and seafood skyrocket. But that strategy may be dampened in the months ahead.

A distributor who gets food costs down Ben E. Keith Foods Fort Worth, TexasID ranking: 9th largest distributor in the U.S. Accounts: 22,000 in the South and...

Optimism is in the air as we look ahead to 2010, but product and menu developers are proceeding with caution.

Jay Siff, Founder and CEO of Moving Targets, is committed to helping you make more money. With his 18+ years in retailing and 18+ years in direct marketing,...

CHICAGO (January 12, 2012 - PRNewswire)—In the past year, 40 percent of consumers have cut back on away-from-home dinner purchases, largely because they...

If you fantasize about selling the restaurant and spending the rest of summer at the beach, a new study provides a pinprick of reality about the payout you can expect.

At the height of the recession, restaurateurs resorted to head-turning deals to drive traffic. Now that the economy is more or less in recovery, are consumers still seeking deep discounts, or are they more interested in a unique experience, an innovative menu or some other differentiating factor?

Perhaps it’s due to rising beef prices, a craving for comfort classics or the Southern-food trend, but fried chicken is getting serious attention in every segment.

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