Reality Check

Peter Romeo

The blog from award-winning journalist, RB Editor-at-Large Peter Romeo. Peter taps into his decades of experience covering the restaurant business at a variety of publications to discuss any number of issues related to the operations and general direction of restaurants.


Don't look now, but restaurants are coming up as winners this election cycle

Reality Check: Organized labor dug deep into its coffers to kill the tip credit via state ballots, but the industry's interest prevailed in all but one instance.


Here's why the restaurant business can never forget 9/11

Reality Check: Anyone alive that day felt the heartbreak. Here's how we remember it.

Reality Check: New research shows how far the U.S. industry still has to go in improving its image—and what a difference an upgrade could make when it comes to retention.

Reality Check: New employer rules invariably bring an avalanche of record-keeping obligations to a field that's no stranger to laying a paper trail.

Reality Check: Wages and other critical issues weren't addressed, with most of the three and a half hours focused on process and past wrongs.

Reality Check: The diner chain is pitting its third virtual concept against QSRs there, leveraging the lower wages full-service places are allowed to pay.

Reality Check: The Republican and Democratic conventions present a different sort of opportunity to promote the business' interests. Here's what you won't see on TV.

Reality Check: New mandates for protecting workers from dangerous on-the-job heat are about to be dropped on restaurants and other employers. The industry could greatly help its labor plight by acting first.

Reality Check: What's the true effect of California's new fast-food wage? Depends on whose numbers you believe.

Reality Check: Decadent meal choices are also proliferating, for a lot more than $5.

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