

With James O'Reilly taking the helm, Perkins and Huddle House are updating their stories

The new CEO says sharpening the brand positions of the venerable family-dining chains is a top priority.


Toast fee-asco could still cost restaurants

Tech Check: Everyone loves innovation, but as Toast acknowledged last week, someone has to pay for it.

The iconic Denver restaurant isn't fully open yet, but workers have sent a petition seeking changes to pay and benefits.

Working Lunch: The Industrial Welfare Commission has until October 2024 to issue its recommendations for changing pay within specific trades. Here's how that process will work.

A group of operators argued in comments with federal regulators that the franchisor’s changes cost them important profitability and drive up their prices. To the company, the changes are necessary to evolve the brand.

Executive Summary: A roundup of high-level hirings and promotions in the restaurant business includes changes for First Watch and Square.

The TV celeb and former fine-dining chef is expanding his ventures PLNT Burger and Eat the Change while continuing his food policy activism.

Marketing Bites: Pinkberry and Cold Stone Creamery feed into the Barbie frenzy, Dunkin’ launches summer merchandise and Taco Bell is giving rewards members a say in its sauce packet redesign.

Reality Check: The RB staff put down its forks long enough to speculate on what could be the next big thing menu-wise. Here are our bets, longshot and otherwise.

The steak-and-salad-bar concept is running ads again, playing off the signature deals that made it a 1980s hit.

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