

Congress slips a tip safeguard into omnibus spending bill

The measure expressly prohibits employers from keeping tips when sharing gratuities with back-of-house staff.

No-tipping is about to be put to a test—at $595 a head

A price increase of $145 will reveal if customers can understand that a higher charge doesn’t necessarily mean spending more.

As if supply and demand weren’t enough of a labor problem for restaurants, along comes a pummeling from unions and their fellow travelers, including the vote by a Burgerville unit's staff to unionize.

Here's how restaurateurs are addressing the challenges of equalizing front-of-the-house and back-of-the-house pay, as well as trying to foster a better experience for families.

Maintain tipping, or find another model? As the debate continues, restaurateurs leaning either way are encountering new challenges.

Five more concepts will be gratuity-free by the end of the year.

Sharing servers' tips with back-of-the-house staff led to a lawsuit and a Department of Labor agreement.

A new venture of the National Restaurant Association plans to promote the industry's interests via the legal system, starting with the Supreme Court.

The most celebrated success with a no-tipping model says the transition wasn't as easy as it expected.

Class action alleges no-tipping policies are "conspiracy" to raise menu prices.

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