
Food trends and recipes to keep menus fresh


Presentation sells the salad

This spring, Jackson, Miss.-based Newk’s Eatery hoped to hook guests with a premium ingredient more often found in full service—ahi tuna.


Plotting menu trends for 2016

’Tis the time of year when industry analysts and experts come out to predict which trends will gain traction in the months ahead. Being first in identifying those that’ll resonate with consumers just might put operators ahead of the competition.

Ask anyone what restaurants to check out in Phoenix, and there will be at least one concept from Sam Fox. Ask Sam Fox, and he’ll tell you about Craig DeMarco.

A tasting tour of five Chicago restaurants revealed six smart ideas to take back to your operation post-NRA Show.

Flavors hidden in the middle of a sweet or savory option are finding favor as a come-on to regulars.

A look at which restaurants are winning the hearts (and dollars) of America's taco lovers shows how the Mexican staple is changing with the times.

To capitalize on Pinterst "miracle food" buzz, Even Stevens Sandwiches rolled out a Jackfruit Torta that fills two menu holes, says Culinary Director Brandon Price.

Now’s the time to start planning for Cinco de Mayo, the May 5th holiday commemorating victory for the Mexican army at the Battle of Puebla.

Operators can catch some of that patriotic spirit by planning menus focused on favorite summertime recipes.

From dips to drizzles, sauces today are every bit as important as they were in the days of Auguste Escoffier.

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