
Individuals influencing the direction of the restaurant industry


Charlie Sarkis, Boston's pioneering multiconcept operator, dies at 78

His Back Bay Restaurant Group was an early example of the MCOs that are now found throughout the nation.


Veggie Grill adds two executives to ranks, focuses on expansion

The vegan fast casual hires industry vets to oversee real estate and culinary innovation as the brand looks to double its units.

Casual steak and salad-bar chain Sizzler is on the cusp of a comeback and it’s due in part to Gary and Sally Myers, who throughout their nearly 30-year history as Sizzler franchisees have led more than they’ve followed.

Owner Doug Sohn is hanging up his apron (actually, it’s a t-shirt) this October after 14 years behind the counter.

Executives of some big-time brands have jumped ship to steer operations at the smaller guys. Here’s a look at why.

Alshaya was among the recipients of the 2017 Global Restaurant Leadership Awards of Distinction.

Three hires have been made tied to business development.

Operators mitigate the risk of stale, inbred ideas by refusing to stay insular.

Dire warnings led off a session focused on government issues relevant to restaurant franchisees and franchisors.

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