
The latest news and trends in restaurant technology

Tablets go back

Much of the public buzz around tablets refers to front-of-house applications, whether in the hands of a server taking orders or atop a table, loaded with games and self-ordering capabilities for guests.


How to enhance service with tabletop tablets

Success with tablets goes beyond just having them. Tabletop technology should augment your operation's service style, not allow staffers to slack.

These five restaurants have made robots a part of their staff.

People from around the world gather for the annual peek at what the future holds in such areas as food and technology. Here’s what you missed from this year’s event.

Asian fast-casual chain becomes first concept to license automat-style tech platform.

The restaurant industry had its own fireworks in recent days. They were just a little harder to spot.

The phrase Founding Farmers may conjure up images of colonial America, but the restaurants operating under that name are anything but old-fashioned. One of the tenets of the Farmers Restaurant Group is using the latest technology available to carry out its mission of “operating, serving and living green.”

Restaurant leaders’ growing reliance on interactive technology catapulted the topic onto the main stage of the RLC for the first time this year.

Few things are more upsetting to fashion-conscious diners than indications they’ve fallen behind the times.’s recent report on the state of restaurant technology provides trendinistas with a checklist to gauge their use of restaurant-related technology against the norm.

When it comes to menu boards, going high-tech isn’t always the right choice. Whether it’s digital screens or chalkboards, the decision goes beyond aesthetics.

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