
The latest news and trends in restaurant technology

5 ways tech can fuel target marketing

Facing competition from independents, chains find techie ways to sell their local appeal.


Operators dial up digital ordering

Restaurants are focusing on digital platforms that make it convenient to order and pay for takeout with a tablet, smartphone or voice-controlled personal assistant and skip the line at pickup.

CaliBurger says the technology is part of its strategy to compete against Amazon in the digital world.

When a New Orleans journalist reached out to an enthusiastic beer blogger and a trend-bucking restaurant owner for an article on restaurants offering better beers, little did he know he’d be playing matchmaker.

Today, new technology and apps allow diners to personalize their own entertainment experience.

Senior Associate Editor Sara Rush looks at the year’s biggest advances in technology and the questions those innovations raised.

Brainstorming technophiles came up with a detailed model.

It’s not an if, but a when for these technologies to hit the restaurant space, according to operators at this year’s Restaurant Innovation Summit.

These seven apps stand out from the current pack.

The coffee chain this week opened a test cashless unit in Seattle.

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