
The latest news and trends in restaurant technology

All-star apps

the Restaurant Business team tested more than 100 apps from regional, emerging and national chains, to see what’s out there, what’s working and what’s not.


Yelp, GrubHub join other giants in combining reviews, reservations and delivery

The extension of online restaurant guides into meal delivery leaped forward this month with acquisitions by two giants in the field, Yelp and GrubHub.

The techie theme that came out of this year’s Restaurant Leadership Conference: We’re not quite there yet. Despite the numerous solutions on the market today, operators still are struggling with what they really need and how to make it effective.

All signs point to voice recognition capabilities.

Carissa Ganelli will be in charge of evolving the brand’s global digital strategy.

Digital engagement is driving sales for some.

The Great Food Group in Atlanta could give the local Apple Store a run for its money with the sheer number of iPhones it has in use.

Menus are among the first things that a customer looks at when trying to decide which restaurant to visit. Restaurants with outdated menus on their websites—or even worse, no menus at all—take the risk of being passed over by would-be diners. Especially if the restaurant down the street has its menu online.

Fall is the time for companies to plan next year’s technology initiatives and the budgets that support them.

A newcomer to the New York City dining scene foregoes seats, tables, even a walk-up window. Indeed, it doesn’t exist as a restaurant at all, just as a delivery app connected to a kitchen.

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