
Best practices for improving recruitment, retention and training


3 bellwether votes restaurants should be watching

The nation's first statewide $18-an-hour wage is one of three labor-related ballot initiatives with import for the business as a whole.


Delivery is literally proving a pain for restaurant workers

Workers' comp claims for back injuries are on the rise, according to major insurer AmTrust Financial Services. It blames "the delivery economy."

Hoping to cut hiring time by as much as 75%, the fast-casual chain is rolling out an AI-fueled hiring bot in partnership with tech platform Paradox.

Democratic Gov. Maura Healey, often pro-union, has come out against a ballot proposal to kill the employer concession, astonishing the business.

Owners of the Seattle fine-dining restaurant do not agree with allegations, which include charges of failure to pay for first-day trial, or "stage" work.

Reality Check: The federal labor watchdog has gone off the rails again. Whatever happened to government accountability?

California officials say the former employees' jobs were filled with new or more junior hires, a violation of state labor laws.

Restaurants and bars added 69,400 jobs in September and new federal data suggest that the economy may be healthier than expected. Unemployment remained at a temperate 4.1%.

Mayor Bruce Harrell affirmed Thursday morning that the payroll concession widely used by the city's full-service restaurants will sunset on Jan. 1, when the minimum wage for all employers rises to $20.76 an hour.

Yet relations between Starbucks Workers United and the chain's new management seem to be warming.

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