
Health-care reform

You don’t have to insure your part-time workers—defined as less than 30 hours a week—but you do have to include them in calculating your number of full-time workers.

Health-care reform: The view from K Street

In some regards, the Supreme Court decision of June 28 changed nothing about the politics of Obamacare, say foodservice lobbyists.

A return to COEX yields some stealable practices from restaurateurs you probably don’t know but should.

The National Restaurant Association is once again holding free one-on-one consultations during the NRA Show this month in Chicago.

A new study finds that more than half of consumers are willing to pay an extra fee to cover employee health insurance costs at restaurants.

The Treasury delivered rules telling employers how they will need to track and report health care information to the IRS under the Affordable Care Act.

Mayor Bill de Blasio announced he would make good on a campaign promise to expand the city’s paid sick leave law as soon as April 1.

CEOs from Dunkin’ Brands, Brinker International, the National Restaurant Association and Outback parent Bloomin’ Brands, and their riffs will be different perspectives on the macro issues confronting all chain executives at RLC's general session—The Leadership Watch Power Panel.

Corner Bakery Cafe shows why a company that plays together stays together.

In the still of the night—er, Thanksgiving weekend—the Obama Administration announced it will delay the rollout of online marketplaces (called SHOP exchanges) where, under the Affordable Care Act, small business owners can shop for policies to cover employees.

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