

How the pandemic is affecting restaurant chains

Technomic Managing Principal Joe Pawlak joins this week’s episode of “A Deeper Dive” to talk about Technomic’s Top 500 and how the pandemic is influencing sales.


The coronavirus shutdown isn’t stopping some from selling franchises

Despite mass closures, some franchisors view the shutdown as an opportunity to find operators, even if it means giving strange history lessons, says RB’s The Bottom Line.

Small-business groups applaud the reallocation, but question why the loan process wasn’t fixed.

No one knows with certainty what independent restaurants will look like on the other side of the coronavirus pandemic, but one thing is for sure: There will be fewer of them.

The ops veteran moves over from multiconcept franchisee Falcon Enterprises.

Even as Congress considers new funding, lawsuits accuse lenders of favoring larger borrowers and their bigger fees.

Local restaurants and big chains alike are giving free meals to front-line workers and first responders. Here’s a look at how companies are responding.

The fast-casual burrito chain, which has no debt and more than $900 million in cash, sees real estate opportunities in recently shuttered stores.

The company and its franchisees are giving “Thank You Meals” to emergency and healthcare workers amid criticism of the chain’s response to the crisis.

Most states are still drafting the guidelines, but a few glimmers have emerged.

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