

Apps that add value

These seven apps stand out from the current pack.


This week's 5 head-spinning moments: Whoa & behold

Progress ran into some resistance this week, in part because of robots running amok. But reactions to the industry's harassment scandals showed the clock isn't rolling back.

Restaurant Business is pleased to announce the Best New Products of 2004.

Purchase decisions hinge on the type and volume of dishware to clean and kitchen space. Water usage has also become a major issue in recent years.

As cold weather creeps in, domestically grown fruits and vegetables begin to dwindle.Don’t get left out in the coldWhile states like California, Arizona...

Big profits from cost-conscious changes. As food costs continue to escalate and margins get squeezed ever tighter, periodic menu fixes become even more important to the bottom line.

Virtually every distributor today tries to train its sales reps to serve as consultants to their customers, not just order takers.

The week runneth over with ideas. And no pink donkeys this time. Swipe cards in McDonald’s, cuss jars in a Baltimore tavern and QR codes everywhere. Restaurants had their idea machines on all week.

A very cool idea this week from a startup service that both helps customers eat less and feeds the needy. McDonald’s Australia has an idea to surprise would-be Hamburglars. And in New York City the unthinkable happens: Chinese takeout… changes. It’s the first sign of the apocalypse in this installment of The Week in Ideas.

We asked chefs to name some of their favorites; as we would expect, apps that make chef’s lives in the kitchen easier are the most popular.

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