Consumer Trends

Consumer trends, insights and preferences

Consumer Trends

Takeaways from LTO Leaders

Some common threads appear among the success stories.

Consumer Trends

Breaking down the third-party delivery customer

Here's who they are and what they expect.

Some of the more senior members of the team smile at the junior staff who are excited to uncover an interesting trend in “eatertainment” or the latest single-ingredient concept. We try not to be condescending when we suggest they do some research by looking at past issues of Restaurant Business or old Technomic top chain reports before calling it the next big thing.

Operators are bringing their trailers indoors.

A recent study suggests restaurants should target marijuana indulgers in states that have legalized the drugs recreational use.

See which 10 chains are winning with seafood that consumers say they can’t get anywhere else.

The editors of Restaurant Business venture some guesses.

“Asset light,” “clean label” and “grocerant” are all terms we could do without.

If we had our say, here are the trends that would vanish this year.

When a change in In-N-Out’s menu barely makes the roster of neck-straining developments, you know it's been an eventful week.

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