

3 bold-headline restaurant confessions

Confession is supposedly good for the soul. These chains are betting it won't hurt business, either.


9 ways restaurants are giving vets a break

Veterans Day provides an opportunity to than the nation's service men and women—and maybe snag some traffic in the process.

Venerable business principles and concepts were shipped off to the old folks' home this week, worsening observers' neck arthritis.

A 12,000-square-foot restaurant in Detroit will feature the menu signatures of both DineEquity-franchised brands.

Operators hope to see a lot of green this Black Friday.

Here’s a look at five areas where franchisees with leverage are finding wiggle room in franchisor contracts.

Acquisitions have made KBP Foods one of the largest and fastest-growing franchises in the restaurant business. But the key to absorbing the expansion has been a notion that harkens back to the earliest days of KFC.

Bad financial results have restaurant chain executives citing all kinds of factors for their top- and bottom-line difficulties, from an unexciting football season to high legal fees. Do they have a case? It depends.

The franchisor also plans to announce an acquisition within roughly the next year.

PROVIDENCE, RI - The MultiCultural Foodservice & Hospitality Alliance (MFHA), has announced new officer appointments and 11 new board members.Incoming board...

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