
The latest news and trends in restaurant technology

Thanking the customer: Mobile loyalty apps continue their ascent

Mobile loyalty programs are popping up faster than dandelions in springtime, even though just over one third of consumers (36 percent) say they participate in a restaurant-based loyalty program, according to a Technomic Market Intelligence Report on loyalty marketing. However, notes the report, 80 percent agree they would sign up if the restaurant they visit most often offered a program.


Tablet or conventional POS?

It’s the October 2015 deadline to have EMV-enabled devices—the expected date for a shift in fraud liability—that’s driving the need to update.

An upswing in sales from phone-toting consumers has prompted Starbucks to complete the U.S. rollout of its Mobile Order & Pay service more than three months ahead of schedule.

From smart appliances to simulations, restaurant owners and franchisors are looking to bring big data to the forefront of everyday operations.

Value isn’t just about getting more food for less.

The pizza chain is partnering with Toyota on self-driving delivery units.

The Thomas Edison of our time has no lock on technological breakthroughs. Check out the leaps that were clocked this week alone in the restaurant business. Hearing footsteps, Elon?

Mobile payments have been high on the list of "next big things" in technology for quite awhile, but it’s only recently the market has started to heat up. Mobile payments promise convenience and speed for consumers, while lowering costs and generating more customer data for businesses.

Sous vide—cooking under vacuum—may be the “hottest” technique to hit restaurants, but it demands prep and food safety skills which are lacking in most kitchen staff.

Consumer and business technologies are clearly converging, throwing restaurateurs a bit of a curve. Make that a curve in signs, TVs and other display possibilities.

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