

How the restaurant industry intends to kill the Fast Act, in California and beyond

The business has two years to muster public support in California for recalling the law. There and elsewhere, the plan calls for explaining how the measure will drain consumers' wallets.


'Joint employer' proposal brings a wave of warnings from the franchise community

Industry associations and about 3,000 franchisees have blasted the redefinition being pushed by the NLRB.

One Fair Wage is planning protests and a publicity war to goad the chain into paying servers the full minimum wage.

The petition drive would halt enforcement until voters decide in 2024 whether to keep the controversial fast-food wage law.

Reality Check: The industry’s efforts to avert spikes in labor costs and benefits might as well be canceled due to lack of interest.

The National Restaurant Association cites an avoidance of the walkout as its top legislative priority for the remainder of 2022.

Working Lunch: The industry proved it won't win on key ballot issues if it doesn't put up a fight.

The organization will consist of employees from all service businesses, providing more clout. Membership will also be transferable across industries.

Starbucks Workers Union announced its own Red Cup Day after alleging the company is misleading investors. The attempts to court customers and stockholders come as contract negotiations are underway.

The labor group said it will distribute its version on Red Cup Day to patrons who support the chain's unionization. Guests might also be encouraged to sing along with strikers.

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