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Why restaurants should care about the changes afoot for college football

A proposed change in the playoff process would afford restaurants considerably more promotional opportunities this winter.


Will virtual brands stick around?

Editors’ Roundtable: Delivery-only concepts are appearing faster than we can write about them. RB’s editors discuss whether this concept is here to stay.

Vaccinated employees and guests no longer need to cover their faces, but how can an operator determine if they have been?

The social media-like platform has been a hit with college students, and now it’s planning to follow them into the “real world.”

After a year of bankruptcies and bad news, food-and-games brands are welcoming families back with promotions, new menu offerings and more. But they still have a way to go to get back to pre-pandemic sales.

Founder Fred DeLuca didn't do enough to ensure his successor had the authority necessary to make changes the brand needed, says RB's The Bottom Line.

This week's curveball from Taco John's is the latest off-beat attention-grabber to prompt some head shaking.

Restaurants that rely on seasonal workers are scrambling to fill jobs. In the meantime, they’re trying different tactics to make up for the labor gap.

The sandwich giant has quietly bought out a third of its development agents, a major shift in strategy that is changing how it does business, says RB’s The Bottom Line.

Lessons learned throughout his culinary journey differentiate Matt Harding’s management style and menu mindset.

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