Peter Romeo

Editor at Large

Articles by
Peter Romeo

Page 57

California Senate gives fast-food workers a loud say in setting their pay

The Fast Act, which would only affect quick-service chains with 100 or more locations, passed by a 21-12 vote. It's unclear if Gov. Newsom will sign it into law.


How restaurants feed a culture of substance abuse

Restaurant employees are more likely to suffer from drug and alcohol abuse than almost any other industry. Explanations for the problem vary, but a big one is denial.

That hourly pay level has become the norm in online advertising for potential hires, according to an analysis by Indeed.

The first-year cap on hourly pay is one of the concessions that were made in the first-of-its-kind Fast Act to make the bill more palatable in the state Senate. Advocates also dropped the joint-employer provision.

The lawsuit contends that women were frequently subjected to sexual remarks and unwanted touching.

The free instructional video reviews the best practices for defending staff and guests.

The research says delinquencies across all small businesses are at an 18-month high because of deteriorating business conditions and landlords raising their fees.

A new study shows that the typical gratuity is now closer to 20%, the result of diners being more generous during the pandemic.

Take our quiz to find out. You may be surprised by how the brands stack up.

Sweet & Sour: The longstanding protocols for who, what and when to tip have been upended. Here’s how the turmoil could shake out.

The experts are looking for the source of an outbreak in the Midwest while warning restaurants, supermarkets and consumers about a ground beef contamination in Hawaii.

Abandoned structures are being torn down while patently illegal facilities field ultimatums from the city.

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