Buffalo Wild Wings

50 Great Ideas

50 great ideas: 2016 edition

What takes a notion from “that’s cool” to a smart, business-forward point of differentiation? We present 50 of the greatest on-trend ideas we’ve collected.


This week’s 5 head-spinning moments: Radical moves?

Bad times bring bold moves, as restaurants demonstrated this week with previews of just how far they're willing to go for a business advantage.

Founder of PCF Management, a Buffalo Wild Wings franchisee, Karim Webb's passion is contagious. Now Chipotle and other concepts are entering the neighborhood.

As consumer demand for convenience continues to fuel growth in takeout, it’s important we continue to explore additional product offerings, like beer.

One brand stood out among the eateries preferred by teens, who continue to spend more at restaurants than they do at clothing stores.

Buffalo Wild Wings is widely regarded in the business community as a leader. So where is that leader taking its consumer-facing technology?

Mick McGuire, an investor known to play an active role, also wants a seat for himself.

Red Robin Express will have no storefront, just production capabilities for producing the food found in full-service units.

With the chain’s new “Fast Break” menu, diners can customize their lunch orders, eat a sit-down meal in a half-hour.

Operators are betting that NCAA basketball fans will eat up these special deals.

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