
New restaurant equipment and back-of-the-house technology

Q4 restaurant sales surge, reversing lackluster 2017

The new Technomic Chain Restaurant Index shows 4.4% sales growth in the quarter.


McDonald’s to cut its greenhouse gas emissions

The chain’s plan to combat global warming is its latest effort in a bid to improve its image.

A 66-year-old victim who was hospitalized for kidney failure said she was poisoned by a salad sold by a New Jersey unit.

Crime doesn't pay, as some restaurateurs learned this week. But, sometimes, neither does doing what seems the right thing for your staff.

The rapidly growing fast casual was honored for a 220% increase in systemwide sales.

Interest in healthier eating has boosted the use of steamers, but memories of water-related problems and dependability issues still dog the category. In response, manufacturers have come up with clever variations for generating steam and regulating temperature and pressure.

Customers raised on Starbucks expect to be able to order specialty coffees any place they patronize. The challenge for the restaurant operator is how to offer a range of coffee drinks without burdening a stretched-thin staff. Fortunately, there are a number of automatic or semi-automatic coffee machines that can virtually duplicate the coffeehouse experience.

MexiCali Burrito Co., a, family-owned taqueria in Kendall Square in Cambridge, Massachusetts, was already well into catering when it signed up with Boston start-up Phoodeez (pronounced food-ies) to boost its corporate reach.

For operators looking to stake a claim in grab-and-go, boxed sandwiches in a cooler might not cut it anymore.

A union goes after a small restaurant chain, Tim Hortons franchisees head to court, Starbucks battles monsters, and two of the industry's best-known chefs draw spatulas—some of the business's most intense struggles have somehow dodged notice. Until now.

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