
Restaurant marketing ideas and trends


This week's restaurant nightmares: Real or fake?

Some of the industry's biggest names were smeared this week by developments that seemed too far-out to be true. That's because they weren't. Except for those court developments.


This week’s restaurant nightmares: Speaking sans thinking

The difference between a breakthrough idea and a really, really bad one is often how much thought is given to the possible fallout. If you doubt that rule of physics, read on.

The humble online blog has been a staple of many restaurants’ websites for years, so much so that the format has started to look a little stale. Tumblr is a blog site, but it’s a bit different than its elders. You can post photos, text and videos like with any other blog platform, but it also has a secret weapon that is catching the attention of restaurant operators: community. On Tumblr, no blog is an island.

Operators are willing to give freebies to help foster that bond and technology is making it easier to target offers through loyalty programs and apps.

The industry isn’t letting a golden marketing opportunity pass it by.

With consumers prowling stores and the internet for gift ideas, some restaurants are ready with suggestions that could also make their holidays a little happier.

As social media tools evolve, operators are shifting to an extended form of engagement that lets guests interact with brands in ever-more personal ways.

The casual chain has added a $10 Tuesdays deal.

The chain reminds its Twitter followers that its rival still has some frozen burgers.

Operators are offering their own versions of meal kits, serving up bundled family meals that often have an off-premise bent.

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